"Purified Progress: Gita Devi Ram's Journey with BioSand Filters"

Gita Devi Ram, a 42-year-old farmer from Kamalpur Surunga-03, Saptari, faced economic hardships as a member of the Dalit community. Her family frequently fell ill due to health issues caused by the high iron content in their hand pump water, affecting their ability to work in the fields. A major hardship they endured was safe drinking water, as the high iron contend in their water source led to health problems, colour changes in clothes and food.
However, after the introduction of BioSand Filters (BSF), Gita Devi Ram’s family experienced a remarkable transformation. The filtered water from their hand pump became safe to drink, eliminating health problems and issues like color changes in clothes and food caused by the high iron contend. Regular cleaning of the BSF was needed, but the family was content with the improved water quality. Their health improved significantly, allowing them to focus on their fieldwork without disruptions. Gita Devi Ram expressed immense gratitude to UVN for providing the BSF, which became a source of happiness and resolved numerous problems her family faced.