
About United Vision Nepal

Welcome to United Vision Nepal (UVN), a faith-based organization rooted in Christian values and committed to holistic community development. Established in 2007 A.D., UVN has been on a transformative journey over the years, dedicated to touching lives and communities through a range of impactful programs. Our organization is deeply committed to holistic development, focusing on behavioral changes that lead to comprehensive transformations.

Headquartered in Lalitpur, Nepal, UVN operates as a registered entity under the District Administration Office, Lalitpur, and is affiliated with the Social Welfare Council of Nepal. Our mission is to bring about positive change in individuals and communities, aiming for a holistic impact that goes beyond surface-level improvements. Through various community development programs, including WASH projects, livelihood initiatives, leadership development, and relief and rehabilitation projects, UVN continues to make a meaningful difference in the lives of those we serve.

At UVN, we believe in the power of integrated programs and the significance of fostering positive behavioral changes for a complete and lasting transformation. Our dedication to the principles of Christian values guides our work, as we strive to contribute to the sustainable development of Nepal. Join us on this journey of positive change, as we work towards touching lives, transforming communities, and making a lasting impact on the nation.

Our Vision

Holistically transformed villages, community, and the leadership.

Our Mission

Serving the people and nation with love of God through holistic community development by Social, Economic and Environmental intervention.

Our Values

Walking spiritually, Working Professionally, Serving Passinately. 

Our Objectives

  • Help for the development of rural and marginalized communities deprived of basic needs and services, in coordination with local government agencies.
  • Prepare and implement various projects, such as drinking water, toilets, tailoring, modern farming, animal husbandry, technical and vocational training, medical camps, and primary health centers, based on the needs and requests from local communities, for the development of humanitarian or basic social services.
  • Assist in building an ideal society with unity, social harmony, love, and interrelation.
  • Enhance awareness and increase knowledge about a good, healthy, peaceful, and prosperous society, aiming to eliminate social evils and discrimination, and promote mutual affection and harmony, in compliance with existing laws.
  • Increase social education, knowledge, vocational business, and technical skills through informal education, scholarships, and training programs on technical education.
  • Provide assistance in relief and rehabilitation programs, following the operational laws of the government, to support people affected by natural disasters.
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